Critical Illness Insurance

Your life has been going in the right direction for a long time. You have a fun and fulfilling life and a productive and profitable career or business. All of a sudden and out of the blue, your life takes a major U-turn in the wrong direction. At a routine checkup, you discover that you have a critical illness which will prevent you from working in your job or in your business during what may be a long and painful period of recovery.

While you may be fortunate to have some financial support from your current employer or the proceeds of your thriving business, this may not be enough to cover all of the expenses that you incur during your recovery.

Critical illness insurance allows you to prepare for this unexpected and unfortunate event now and in the future. Rather than having worry and stress about paying your bills and meeting other financial obligations which may delay or hamper your recovery, you can rest easy and recover with the peace of mind of knowing that your critical illness insurance is helping to take care of your financial obligations.
Critical Illness Insurance
Critical illness insurance provides you with a lump sum payment, called a benefit, if you become critically ill based on the defined conditions in the policy. Typically, these policies cover what is known as the big three: heart attack, stroke and life threatening cancer. However, policies may cover up to 25 defined conditions. If you suffer from one of the defined conditions and survive 30 days after the event and the diagnosis, the insurance company pays you the lump sum amount that you have purchased tax free.

Critical illness insurance policies are available as no-medical as well as standard issue policies requiring medical evidence.

Critical illness insurance pays out while you are alive so that you can rest and recover without having to worry about having money to pay the bills depending on how much critical illness insurance you buy.

You should review your critical illness insurance policy if your circumstances change for the better or for the worse.

I would be happy to review your critical illness insurance policy with you at no obligation.

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