Investment Products

Segregated Funds

Are you someone who lives for the present and has no desire to plan or prepare for the future? Do you feel that you have worked hard and are frustrated that you have spent a lot of money over the past few years yet have little or nothing to show for it? Is the topic of life insurance or the idea of investments way too scary and complicated and too much work and worry for you to handle? How much fear and discomfort do you have about making the wrong decisions when it comes to your money?

If you can answer yes to one or more of these questions then segregated funds may be the answer for you. Segregated funds can help you to save for the things that you want to be able to afford to have in the future whether it is buying a home, taking a vacation, paying for your children’s education, putting money aside for a specific person whom you want to designate as your beneficiary, having an emergency fund to support you, pay the bills and keep you from going into debt during a short or extended illness or job loss and finally, saving for a long, happy and healthy retirement.

Segregated Funds
Segregated funds are very similar to mutual funds in that they both contain the shares of many companies. However, they are different because a segregated fund is an insurance product that requires a designated beneficiary. A mutual fund has no such requirement.

Just like life insurance, when the owner passes away, the insurance company pays out the value of the segregated fund in a lump sum payment to your designated beneficiaries avoiding probate and creditors. Any capital gains are taxable.

Segregated funds are an ideal savings tool for anyone who is self employed or risk adverse because they provide creditor protection to both individuals and the self employed.

You should take the time to review your investments if your circumstances change for the better or for the worse.

I would be happy to explain segregated funds to you and how they can work for you at no obligation.


Perhaps you have inherited a large sum of money, sold your home for a considerable profit or been the lucky recipient of a major windfall. Now you have to think about, plan and decide how you are going to keep this money working for you so that it can provide you with a stable and steady stream of income for many years to come.

Buying an annuity is a great way to receive a stable and guaranteed stream of income for a specific period of time or for as long as you live from a lump sum payment that you make up front. Annuities are most popular with retirees who need a stable and steady stream of income that will not change due to interest rates or stock market fluctuations.

An annuity should never be something that you buy on an impulse or without a clear understanding of what it is you are purchasing and for what purpose. You need to take some time to consider then decide what it is you want to put away money for, how much money you require and how long you will need to use this money.
Working with an experienced life insurance broker can help you to define the reason that you want to buy an annuity and to confirm how much money you can put aside for it. You may decide that you want to use the annuity to buy something special or you just want to use the annuity to have enough money to pay your bills and enjoy your life.

You should review your retirement plans regularly or if your circumstances change for the better or for the worse.

I would be happy to discuss annuities with you at no obligation.

Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit

Saving for the future is very important. You want to know that you will have a predictable income in your retirement. However, if you don’t have a defined benefit pension plan at work, how will you know the amount of predictable income that you will have to support you in your retirement? Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit plans are designed to provide you with that predictable income with the benefits and protections of an insurance contract.

Maybe you have been fortunate to work for a company that has a pension plan in place for their employees. If you choose to leave that company or if you lost your job with that company, what will happen to the pension savings that you have accrued during the time of your employment? The company that manages the pension plan will likely move your pension savings to a Guaranteed Income Certificate or some other very low risk investment in a Locked In Retirement Account (LIRA). You can choose to use your pension savings to purchase a Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit so that your pension will continue to grow over time until you need it with all of the benefits and protections of an insurance contract while still safely held in your LIRA.

Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit
There are some life insurance companies that offer a product known as a Guaranteed Minimum Withdrawal Benefit, otherwise known as GMWB. These products might also be referred to as Income for Life. A GMWB provides the investor with the equivalent of a fully funded pension plan using Segregated Funds as the investment product.

You should review your retirement plans regularly or if your circumstances change for the better or for the worse.

I would be happy to review your retirement plans with you at no obligation.

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