Term Life Insurance

Whether you are young and healthy and just starting out in your life and career or you are a seasoned traveller on the road of life and have started to think about what your future looks like, then term life insurance is for you. Term life insurance is for the years of your life when you have the most debt and expenses from buying and maintaining a home, taking care of your children and paying for their education, building your career or growing your business. While you may have term life insurance as part of your employee benefits plan at work, it is always advantageous to have your own term life insurance policy because this policy is portable and travels with you when you change organizations or start your own business. It is important to remember that the term life insurance policy that you get through work is limited and terminates when you leave the organization.

Term life insurance is an affordable option if you have had some unexpected expenses, accumulated student debt, bought a new car, purchased a new home, decided to pay for your children’s education or fulfilled your dream of becoming an entrepreneur. Term life insurance provides you with an easy and affordable safety net so that you are financially prepared for life’s unexpected events – good or bad.
Term Life Insurance
Term life insurance gives you the confidence and peace of mind of knowing that you can handle whatever life throws at you. A term life insurance policy is a no-frills policy with a cost that should be well within your budget.

Term life insurance is the most commonly purchased life insurance and provides a guaranteed premium for a specific period of years after which it will automatically renew for the next period at a higher premium. This is the least expensive type of life insurance because it has no cash value and it is intended to cover the years when you have the most debt and other financial obligations.

Term life insurance is most commonly offered in 10, 20 and 30 year terms with the least expensive being the 10 year term. The duration of term life insurance policies will typically be until age 80 or 85.

You should review your term life insurance policy if your circumstances change for the better or for the worse.

I would be happy to review your term life insurance policy with you at no obligation.

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