Health and Dental Insurance

The best way to save time and money and avoid unexpected costs and problems is to keep the things that you value in good condition whether it is taking your car in for service or doing it yourself or hiring someone to do home repairs and maintenance.

It is important to take care of the physical, mental and emotional health of you and the people that you love. Health is wealth. Just like the regular maintenance that you do to maintain or increase the value of your car or your home, you need to do daily maintenance on your body and mind to ensure that you remain strong, active, healthy and resilient to handle whatever happens in your life – good or bad.

Health and dental insurance gives you and the ones you love the opportunity to take care of yourselves in the best way possible and pay for many of the costs that OHIP will not cover such as bi-annual visits to the eye doctor for an examination and the portion of the cost of a new pair of glasses if needed, semi-annual visits to the dentist for cleanings and checkups, essential dental surgeries and procedures, timely filling and renewal of prescriptions, weekly or bi-weekly sessions with a non-medical mental health care professional or scheduled visits to a chiropractor, massage, speech or physiotherapist.

Many people have an employee benefits plan at their place of work that has been put in place to help pay dental bills and health costs not covered by OHIP. If you are a student, unemployed, self-employed or working for an organization without an employee benefits plan, you can buy an individual, couple or a family health and dental insurance plan to help you to cover these costs.

Dental Insurance
Often people think that because they are self-employed or have their own business that they cannot afford to take care of themselves and their loved ones in the same way as someone who has a benefits plan through their work. This cannot be further from the truth. Health and dental insurance is affordable at a cost within your budget and can save you money and prevent you from having to pay a lot of money out of pocket that you do not have for unexpected costs like expensive drugs, targeted therapy, specialized equipment or long hospital stays.

You can buy a plan that is a dental plan, a drug plan or a comprehensive plan that covers dental, drugs and travel.

If you lose or leave your job and no longer have a benefits plan, you can buy a health and dental insurance plan so that you have the coverage that you need at a price that you can afford.

If you already have health and dental insurance, you should review your policy if your circumstances change for the better or for the worse.

I would be happy to review your health and dental insurance policy with you at no obligation.

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