Financial Planning for When We Can Not Work

Planning is something that we know that we need to do at various stages of our lives. Financial planning is something that we should start doing at a younger age ideally. We know that hindsight is often 20/20. Often if we knew then, what we know now, we may have made different choices.

The question I ask you to ponder is - what would you tell your younger self as it pertained to starting your financial planning journey? Often what I hear are range of answers from clients, but they summarize down to 2 simple words - ‘sooner’ and ‘more’. The ‘sooner’ relates to acquiring those protection plans before the bumps and bruises of life made it harder secure as acceptance is often related to health. ‘Sooner’ often also relates to locking in those guaranteed rates at younger ages. The ‘more’ relates to both setting aside dollars for retirement and securing those protection plans while young and healthy.

While you can’t always prevent bad things from happening, you can help to protect yourself and your loved ones against some of the more common risks. I am going to suggest that sometimes protecting a loved one also protects you and your financial strategy at the same time. We have the ability to assist with the ‘sooner’ and ‘more’ all within one solution. Bundled together is protection both in the event of having to deal with the financial impact of a serious health diagnosis and/or not being well enough to go to work.

Here is the twist, I am not suggesting that you take advantage of this solution, but rather think of the ‘20 somethings’ in your life that are just starting out. We know this is the best time to start a financial plan; however, competing financial priorities can sometimes make this difficult. This is where Moms, Dads and Grandparents can gently guide and assist by funding this bundled protection plan. This can set the next generation off on the right foot while ensuring their financial independence in the event that the unforeseen happens.

Recent years have taught us that life is more than unpredictable and where we are able, it is best to do some advanced preparation for life’s ‘what ifs’. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I would be pleased to discuss this in greater detail with you or someone you care about. I look forward to discussing how planning for the unseen can help on our path to financial success. Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

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