Add a New Layer of Financial Protection with Living Benefits

As we move from the humid heat of summer into the damp chill of fall, there is a chance to feel positive and to recognize the possibilities that come with the change of seasons. A new season gives you the opportunity to make plans, start projects and set priorities including reviewing your financial plan to ensure that you have enough money should you experience an unexpected health event that might keep you away from work.

Why You Should Consider Living Benefits

You may have experienced a time where someone you care about went through a significant health event and you did what you could to support their recovery. The reality is the help you gave may have also resulted in an out of pocket financial cost to you. What happens if the tables were turned and you are now the one who needs the support? Your living benefits protection will also have the ability to lessen the financial impact to your family and friends who will care for you during your recovery.

An unexpected diagnosis can have a devastating impact on your future and the ability to be able to not work during the recovery period. It doesn’t have to be this way. Why would you want to jeopardize your financial future and your ability to retire comfortably? No need to worry. There are solutions.

I would like to take the time to thoughtfully discuss these solutions with you, please contact me.

How You Could Benefit From Having a Health Fund

We all know the power of one person’s tragic situation. Here is why you may want to consider establishing a health fund with critical illness insurance.    

A $25,000 health fund would have helped Benjamin to pay his bills and live comfortably while undergoing painful treatment and enduring a long recovery.

How You Could Benefit From Having Paycheck Protection

You work hard for your income and we also welcome a financial lift brought on by our tax refund. The refund comes once a year but how about the rest of the year – do you have paycheck protection? This can help you maintain your lifestyle even when you are unable to earn an income. You may have been meaning to review your disability insurance coverage or perhaps had a discussion in the past and thought you could not afford it.

Here is the good news. We can work together to structure an affordable solution for you.   

If you want to know more, I have also included a Living Benefits video here to help you understand the value of each type of coverage.
